Build your payment economy
Apply to the Foundation's tokenization and DeFi Fund by telling us about the project you are building.
Let's unlock your potential - together
Project Funding
Financing can be one of the most challenging barriers for entrepreneurs. Get your project fully funded with HBAR through a simple and fast grant process and bring your project to market quickly.
Operational Support
The HBAR Foundation makes available expert resources to accelerate deployment of your project - from technical operations to marketing and business development.
Project Awareness
Let us help you build brand awareness and increase adoption of your project by promoting it to the wider network of projects, enterprises, and innovators building on the Hedera network.
Green Technology
The Hedera network is dedicated having a limited carbon footprint and has adopted environmental sustainability as a core value - officially committing to carbon-negative network operations
Green Technology
The Hedera network is dedicated to having a limited carbon footprint and has adopted environmental sustainability as a core value - officially committing to carbon-negative network operations.
Let's unlock your potential - together
Tokenize any Asset
Create, manage, and transfer any digital collectibles, currencies, securities and more - at scale, with the Hedera Token Service.
Prove any Data
Share verifiable proofs of any transaction, message, event, credential and more through the Hedera Consensus Service.
Build your Economy
Transact value frictionlessly across the globe on the openly accessible Hedera Network.
Remove the barriers standing in the way of your innovative ideas
Apply for funding